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Syllabus – Early Childhood

Course Title: Early Childhood Education

Class Meeting Times: Morning Session: 8:30 – 10:40

Afternoon Session: 12:30 – 2:50

Instructor: Mrs. Kime

Classroom Phone: 570-584-5217



Herr, Judy.  Working withYoung Children.  Tinley Park:  The Goodheart-Willcox Company, 2008.  Print.

Supplemental Materials:

Pennsylvania Department of Educationand Department of Welfare (2007).

Pennsylvania learning standardsfor early childhood: Pre-kindergarten.

Harrisburg, PA: Author.

Course Description:

The Early Childhood program at the Lycoming Career and Technology Center offers an introductory course in the study of early childhood and early childhood education.  In this course, the students will be learning the background of early childhood starting from birth and ending at five.  There will also be some discussion on the middle childhood years as well.

After the background knowledge has been set in early childhood, the students will then move to understanding of the education of this age group of children.  Some of the topics will include….

  • The classroom environment
  • Safety and guidance
  • Nutrition
  • Routines and curriculum
  • Guiding reading, math, science, writing, and reading experiences.


Students will also gain an understanding of the various types of programs that are available for children and the environment that each program holds.

Students will also discover the many careers in education and what career would be best for them.


The philosophy of this course is base in the theory that learning takes place more readily through active participation in the class.  Interaction with the text, the class, the instructor, and the subject matter are vital for learning to occur.  For this reason the course requires regular attendance.  Attendance is important for the progress of each student. A student should only miss a class for illness or an emergency; the student must know the attendance policy of the Lycoming Career and Technology Center and the guidelines presented in the school handbook.


Courtesy to all students and instructor:

Since this class requires demonstration in front of peers, it is imperative that you show respect for each other.  Constructive feedback is welcomed if given in a positive manner. This class also encourages active participation and discussion.  Therefore, each student should show respect for each other whole speaking by listening and not talking at the same time.  Courtesy should also be given to the instructor during lecture time.

Talking and/or text messaging when the class is in lecture or when the preschool reading time is in session, is disruptive to both the children and teachers. You need to be courteous to your class and its environment.


Student grades are based on a total point system.  Posts are accumulated through chapter work, preschool labs, participation, and exams.  Your grades will be broken down in the following manner:

*Knowledge                                        25%

*Skills                                                 20%

*ProfessionalDevelopment                  5%

*Work Ethic                                        50%

10 Work Ethic points are made available for you to earn each day which accounts for 50% of your grade.  These points are awarded as follows

*On Task        4 pts.
*Organized      2pts.
*Cooperation  2 pts.
*Attire              2pts.